
List of speakers
- Alday, Luis Fernando (Utrecht) - L.F.Alday at
Scattering Amplitudes and Strings on AdS
(1.pdf ),
(2.pdf )
- Ambjorn, Jan (Bohr Inst.) - ambjorn at nbi.dk
Quantum Gravity: The Self-Organizing Universe
(1.pdf ),
(2.pdf )
- Diakonov, Dmitri (St. Petersburg, INP) - diakonov at
Statistical Physics of Dyons and Quark Confinement
( .pdf )
- Dorey, Nick (Cambridge) - N.Dorey at
A Spin Chain From String Theory
- Dorey, Patrick (Durham) - p.e.dorey at
Exact Relativistic S-matrices (whiteboard talk)
- Glazek, Stanislaw (Warszawa/UW) - stglazek at fuw.edu.pl
Renormalization Group and Bound States
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- Iancu, Edmond (Saclay) - edmond.iancu at cea.fr
Parton Picture in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories
(1.pdf ),
(2.pdf ),
(3.pdf )
- Janik, Romuald (Krakow/UJ) - romuald at th.if.uj.edu.pl
(1) Hydrodynamic Flow of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and Gauge/Gravity Correspondence (part II)
( .pdf )
(2) Is the AdS S-matrix Simple?
- Kazakov, Vladimir (Paris/ENS) - kazakov at
(Quasi)-Classical Integrability of Metsaev-Tseytlin Superstring
( .pdf )
- Korchemsky, Gregory (Orsay, LPT) - gregory.korchemsky at th.u-psud.fr
Planar Scattering Amplitudes/Wilson Loop Duality in N=4 SYM Theory (whiteboard talk)
- Makeenko, Yuri (Moscow, ITEP & Bohr Inst.) - makeenko at itep.ru, makeenko at nbi.dk
Topics in Cusped/Lightcone Wilson Loops
( .pdf )
- Peschanski, Robi (Saclay) - robert.peschanski at
Hydrodynamic Flow of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and Gauge/Gravity Correspondence (part I)
( .pdf )
- Roiban, Radu (PennState) - radu at phys.psu.edu
On-shell methods in gauge theories
( 1.pdf ),
( 2.pdf ),
( 3.pdf )
- Son, Dam Thanh (Seattle/WU) - son at
Hydrodynamics from Gauge/Gravity Duality
( .pdf )
- Staudacher, Matthias (Potsdam/MPI) - matthias at
Integrability and the AdS/CFT Correspondence (whiteboard talk)
- Torrieri, Giorgio (Frankfurt) - torrieri at
Near Zone Navier-Stokes Analysis of Heavy Quark Jet
Quenching in a N=4 SYM Plasma
( .pdf )
- Wosiek, Jacek (Krakow/UJ) - wosiek at th.if.uj.edu.pl
Exploring an S-matrix for Gravitational Collapse
( .pdf )
List of seminar speakers
- Cichy, Krzysztof (Poznan/UAM) - krzysztof.cichy at gmail.com
Twisted Mass, Overlap and Creutz Fermions:
Cut-off Effects at Tree-level of Perturbation Theory
( .pdf )
- Gorlich, Andrzej (Krakow/UJ) - atg at th.if.uj.edu.pl
Background Geometry in 4D Causal Dynamical Triangulations
( .pdf )
- Heller, Michal (Krakow/UJ) - michal.p.heller at gmail.com
On a Consistent AdS/CFT Description of Boost-Invariant Plasma
( .pdf )
- Henn, Johannes (Annecy) - henn at lapp.in2p3.fr
Wilson Loop / Gluon Amplitude Duality in N=4 SYM
( .pdf )
- Krikun, Alexander (Moscow/ITEP) - krikun.a at gmail.com
Two-point Correlation Functions in AdS/QCD
( .pdf )
- Kotanski, Jan (Hamburg & Krakow/UJ) - jkotan at mail.desy.de
The Cusp Anomalous Dimension in Maximally SYM Theory
( .pdf )
- Lis, Jakub (Krakow/UJ) - lis at th.if.uj.edu.pl
Q-ball Solutions in Signum-Gordon Models
( .pdf )
- Matos, Luis (Durham) - l.f.p.t.matos at durham.ac.uk
Spontaneous R-symmetry Breaking in a Baryon Deformed ISS Model
- Rocha Fabio (Princeton) - fdrocha at gmail.com
Bulk Viscosity in the Gauge-String Duality
( .pdf )
- Rohrwild, Juergen (Regensburg) - juergen.rohrwild at physik.uni-r.de
Renormalization of Chiral Twist-4 Quark Operators
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- Romanczukiewicz, Tomasz (Krakow/UJ) - trom at th.if.uj.edu.pl
Negative Radiation Pressure - the Case of Vortices
( .pdf )
- Ohlsson Sax, Olof (Uppsala/Univ.) - olof.ohlsson-sax at fysast.uu.se
Finite Size Giant Magnons and Interactions
( .pdf )
- Spill, Fabian (Imperial College)- fabian.spill at imperial.ac.uk
Yangians in ADS/CFT
- Suchanek, Paulina (Krakow/UJ) - suchanek at th.if.uj.edu.pl
The Four Point Correlation Functions in N=1 CFT
( .pdf )
- Trzetrzelewski, Maciej (Krakow/UJ) - 33lewski at th.if.uj.edu.pl
Supergravitons From one Loop Perturbative N=4 SYM
( .pdf )
- Volin, Dmytro (Saclay) - vel145 at gmail.com
SL(2) Sector of Integrable Spin Chain
- Westra, Willem (University of Iceland) - willemwestra at hotmail.com
A Causal Alternative for c=0 Strings
( .ppt )
- Wereszczynski, Andrzej (Krakow/UJ) - wereszczynski at th.if.uj.edu.pl
Generalized Integrability in Higher Dimensional Classical Theories
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- Witaszczyk, Przemek (Krakow/UJ) - bofh at th.if.uj.edu.pl
Description of Anisotropic Plasma at Strong Coupling
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- Zayakin, Andrey (Munchen/LMU & Moscow/ITEP) - zayakin at itep.ru
Chiral Condensate in External Fields from Dual Models
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